Playing Edinburgh fringe 2025

Pleaseance Queen Dome 15.50 everyday 30 July - 25 August (not 12 Aug)

Tickets available here

More announcements to follow.

Contact for press related enquiries.


Andrew Borden and his wife Abby are found dead in Fall River, Massachusetts on the morning of August 4th, 1892.

Their daughter Lizzie is the main suspect. 

Tried but acquitted of the crime, the story goes that she wielded the axe that killed them. Overnight, she becomes America's original “mad, bad and dangerous to know” icon of tabloid and rumour. 

Set to prairie bluegrass music, and fusing folktale, nursery rhyme and Vaudevillian horror,  “Bury the Hatchet” will settle the age-old question: Did Lizzie escape the hangman's noose? And is Andrew and Abby's blood truly on her hands?

Supported by US Embassy BAAS scheme


David Leopold, Sasha Wilson & Joseph Prowen C. Will Alder

Previous Performances

18 August 2018 Canary Wharf Garden Space

26 July - 16 August 2018 The Hope Theatre

03 May 2018 Rosson House, AZ USA

27 April - 6 May 2018 Taliesin West, AZ USA

13 July - 14 July 2017 King’s Head Theatre

03 April - 04 April 2018 Theatre N16

07 March - 11 March 2018 VAULT Festival

(if you are interested in programming please email

Sasha Wilson C. Reg Maddison

Press & Awards Include

WINNER VAULT Festival “People’s Choice” Award 2018

WINNER Off West End “Best Ensemble” Award 2018

NOMINATED Broadway World “Best Musical” Award 2018

★★★★ [Leaves you] wishing school history lessons had been as enthralling as this." - Theatre Weekly

★★★★  "An unorthodox delight." - London Pub Theatres

"A strong debut production from a fledgling theatre company." - Live Theatre UK

David Leopold, Sasha Wilson & Joseph Prowen C. Claire Gilbert

Production team

Writer - Sasha Wilson

Producer - Joseph Cullen & Claire Gilbert for Out Of The Forest Theatre

Ensemble - David Leopold, Joseph Prowen & Sasha Wilson

Design - David Spence

Lighting Designer - Will Alder

With thanks to Sally Cheung, Sam Jenkins-Shaw, Mario Yniguez, Drew Leatham, Amy Rosenthal, David K. Barnes, Reg Madison